Fabric Book Pages or Cover Background

© 2009, Denise Funfsinn
I’m in the process of creating a fabric book to give to a relative later this year. Since I’ve accumulated a decent stash of thread, fabric, and fiber clippings from other projects, I decided to add them as an embellished quilted fabric background for some pages. You can use this technique to make a fabric background for a wall hanging, soft box, journal cover, ornaments, postcards, ATCs, etc. Let your imagination soar with a color theme and a variety of specialty threads, fibers, and fabrics.
Fabric base
Fusible fleece
Sulky ® Solvy –water soluble stabilizer
Clippings of threads, fibers, & fabrics
Pressing cloth
Quilt Basting Spray (June Tailor®) running water
Iron, Sewing machine, thread, pins
The base of this quilted sandwich is a sample of discontinued home decorator fabric from a local sewing center, about 18” x 10”. I cut a piece of fusible fleece and pressed it to the backside of the home dec fabric. (You could substitute a heavyweight interfacing like Peltex or thin batting and spritz it lightly with Quilt Basting Spray)

On the front of the fleece-backed fabric you now scatter a layer of thread, fiber, and fabric clippings. (you could spray it with the quilt basting spray if you are worried about it shifting or blowing away – I didn’t bother, I just lightly sprayed after I placed the clippings on).

Cut a piece of Sulky Solvy (water soluble stabilizer), lay on top of the embellished fabric and pat it down lightly with your palms so it sticks to the fibers. I then pinned the whole piece with about 8 straight pins so it didn’t shift.
Now it is time to sew a grid all over the sandwich (fleece side on the bottom, Solvy side on top). My sewing machine had a lightweight white embroidery thread in the bobbin, and a dark gold rayon thread on top (Sulky). New needle, stitch length 3.5, and straight stitch setting, sew a grid all over the sandwich attaching the bits and pieces securely. My grid was basically diamonds and then some free form spirals and curves to fill in.

If you have any loose pieces of solvy sticking out along the sides, tear those off and place back in your sealed bag for another use.
Next take the whole piece and soak it in the sink under running water, lightly rubbing with your fingers. The Solvy will dissolve readily. Lightly squeeze out the piece and roll it in a towel to absorb excess water. Iron between a couple of press cloths to dry it and prevent your iron from picking up any sticky residue that could possibly remain.
You now have an embellished, quilted fabric background to use a base. I plan to add fabric photo transfers and beading to my piece for a fabric book cover.